I share this page with you simply because I am a fan who loves to capture and share quality images. This page is not officially endorsed by Cheap Trick as a band, any individual band member(s), or any other person professionally associated with their organization. These images are not for sale.
Cheap Trick Dazzles Waukesha, Wisconsin!

In standard Cheap Trick fashion, Rick, Robin, Tom, and Daxx roared into Waukesha, Wisconsin and made sure the enthusiastic crowd wan't disappointed. They opened the show with "Hello There" to get the crowd warmed up. But the crowd didn't need a warm up! They were ready to rock and roll with a band that is still enjoying a successful 40-year run in the rock and roll limelight. With the exception of the band's drummer, Daxx Nielsen, they are all in their 60s. But you wouldn't be able to guess that by watching their energetic stage show. These guys are on fire and show no sign of letting up. And that makes me happy because I am now a certified CT fan! You haven't seen four guys have a ball onstage until you see these boys!
I hope you enjoy these few the shots I took during the show. For now, there are only a few shots but the page is still under construction so pardon my dust. Enjoy the show!
I hope you enjoy these few the shots I took during the show. For now, there are only a few shots but the page is still under construction so pardon my dust. Enjoy the show!
Hello There!

I wonder who he is singing to?